Saturday, July 10, 2010


You might have broken the crystal unintentionally, someone broke your crystal or you found it broken not knowing how or by whom. Trust that all are of divine's intention and timing which is for your highest good. [I personally had numerous experiences]

Your first reaction to that encounter shares a great deal.

For instance, your favorite charming crystal slipped off your hand. Your first thought is “Geez, it’s no longer perfect or beautiful. It is scarred or no longer complete.” or “Did I do something wrong to deserve this?” and etc.

o Is perfection that is ultimately most important to you? If we can be accepted as imperfect being, why can’t you treat others the same?

o Do you only cherish the physical beauty instead of its true healing properties? The healing properties does not change eventhough it is broken into pieces. Each piece still bears the same properties.

o Can you accept change? The current number of pieces or shape might be more handy, convenient or useful. Perhaps different function now, and since it is for the highest good, why not? 
o Did it just transmuted the negative energy by taking the ‘hit’ on behalf of you? For centuries in Chinese custom, jade protects the wearer by transmuting the negative omen which was intended to bestow upon the wearer to itself. As a sign, the Jade is unintentionally be broken.

o Do not play the “What If” game. Things cannot be undone. Do not blame anyone (including yourself), anything or the timing. Can you not trust Divine’s intention?

o Learn to let go. It is here to learn with you and it is still bearing the same healing properties. In a lighter perspective, it is not dead, it is still as alive as ever. Look at a bigger picture. Understand the lesson and move on.

A broken crystal may have a combination of the reasons above or there might be many more possibilities not listed here. Cheer up and move on