Thursday, July 22, 2010


  • NEW UPGRADED codes to be shared among all beings of LOVE and LIGHT
  • Acknowledge the presence of Rose Quartz in our surrounding. Spread them more widely as gifts to the UNAWAKEN ONES. Energy of Rose Quartz is gentle yet encompassing

… Many do not realize that Rose Quartz is one of the most common and widely spread crystals ever known to mankind. In the past, we have laid our grids with careful considerations to prepare for this upcoming ascension time. New codes with more refined and intensified energy were downloaded into each and every Rose Quartz spread across the globe. This supports Mother Gaia and all light beings including yourself to smoothly go through the changes of energy waves in this age.

Those who are sensitive will feel a difference in the energy vibration. If you have a Rose Quartz which was stashed away for a long duration, do cleanse and re-awaken it. Acknowledge that you are aware of the new upgraded codes, by reciting …”I acknowledged that you had accomplished the new downloads and is hereby to share with us your utmost power. And let this be done … ”