Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Light in terms of weigh are self manifested in your daily living condition and environment. Wanting to know how light you are? Look around your physical plane, do you keep only the essential that you need, or also some part of your leisure (good to have)? Do you keep memories and store of past and archive? The more occupied the space of your store, shows your concept of how occupied you are, and also your concept of letting go. You are indeed holding on to many past memories, fear of losing/ future need, and a common term use - Burden. There are so many things that you have set aside in your store room which some you may have unconsciously forgotten its existence. Perhaps some were kept for ‘just-in-case’ situations; in case one day you might need it.

To achieve lightness for yourself, for your soul; start with physical detachment. Let go of all that no longer served. Well, where should you start? Ask yourself this question, am I ready to let go, and detach from all these memories, all these fears.

If your physical plane are some what in order, walkthrough your emotional plane. Are you easily affected by others? Are you always attracting people that create chaos in your emotions? Do you still remember the details of your memories, be it heartaches or good times? I have met someone whom could call out memories of 4 years back with very comprehensive details. These are areas that you need to work on. Detached from these memories, especially those that holds anger, frustration, jealousy and others that does not contribute to your expansion.

Both planes are the first to work on to archive lightness. The lighter you are, the easier would be your life journey. The easier it would be for you to be connected to Divine for all blockages and veils are lift.