Sunday, September 18, 2011


Crystal Elixir is a common term use for water that is infused with crystal essences. Infused water minutely altered the vibration of the molecule in the water structure.

Crystal Elixir can be consumed if drinkable water is used. It can also be used as spray, water to diffuse essential oil and etc. This infused water is of course more powerful depending on the type of crystal used to create these essences

There are 2 common methods to prepare the crystal elixirs

Method 1 (Recommended)

First identify then cleanse the crystal. After which, you may place the crystal into a small glass bowl. Glass is used as it allows the vibration to be transferred purely.

Once ready, pour water into a different larger glass bowl. Make room for the previous small glass bowl to be placed into this larger glass bowl. That’s right, this method is very safe as any crystal can be used and the crystal is not directly in touch with the water. As you know, crystal are composite of chemical combination, thus there are crystals that contains elements physically less friendly to our body system. Thus, it eliminates the risk of poisoning

Some people may like to leave the water for hours or even days and perhaps over moonlight.

Method 2 (Convenient)

Only if you know the crystals used are non toxin to our body system. You may place the crystal directly into the jar of perhaps drinkable water. This method is convenient and less time consuming.

Similarly, you may leave the water for hours or even days and perhaps over moonlight.

[Appended at Dec 2012]
Place crystals in your fountains or ponds to have a continous refresh pool of energy vibrations in your space. Also place crystals in your bath or shower room to assist in discharging energy from individuals at the same time restore and energize all body systems of individuals.