Sunday, September 4, 2011


Live each day to the fullest and stay optimistic and positive about matters. Each day’s journey is a manifestation of your intentions and thoughts. Set your intention to have a creative and positive journey. Stay neutral and create a healthy boundary. Remember, law of attraction is the basis of manifesting your desires.

There are times that we get inflicted by others’ unhappy thoughts and journey. Ask yourself again, is it something that you should take note of, reflect whether these are indirect behavioral or patterns which you are placed as a third party to see more clearly? If yes, learn it and give thanks it is happening this way for you to see.

If no, understand that you need not interfere, move away and create a healthy boundary for others to have the space to internalize and learn their lessons. It is not always that you need to assist others as sometimes, it is a lesson that the respective person needs to learn on their own. Only assist if you have the capacity to, and with a willing heart. Understand that by assisting there are possibilities that you get inflicted indirectly, be aware and be prepared to clear that out, that is which I refer to as capacity. You need to know the risk of your action.

And for those who understand and knows that you are walking a journey to learn a lesson or clear an obsolete pattern, be considerate. No one is liable to your tantrum, your clearing inflictions and etc. Every soul has their rights to create a healthy boundary. Be cool about it, ask for assistance. Clearing an obsolete pattern or lesson can be a smooth and less painful method, it can be a wonderful experience if you intend to switch the energy.

The ability to stay optimistic, to manifest your desires, to switch the energy is your birth right