Wednesday, March 21, 2012


All energies are from Oneness; all that we call Universe, Qi, Divine, Cosmos, Manna, and the like comes from the same Source. With the entire shift of consciousness in this New Age, more veils are lifted and it becomes easier and safer for us to connect, access and fully utilize these energies for smoother individual soul journey. Some Masters whose soul journey resonate to uplift and assist in awakening more Masters (You) are busy discovering, downloading and sharing new variety of modalities which best suit different groups of Masters. With more awakening, more can be done to shift the Consciousness of the Earth, Beings on Earth (You included) and the Universe; what a comprehensive Oneness plan.

So wake up from your routine, start getting busy and discover your journey.

You have learned much about energy work. You know how it works or perhaps are already very well versed with it but how far have you integrated these in your day to day lifestyle.

When you have leisure time (apart from coffee time out, shopping and your daily essentials), what do you do? Self healing? Soul group healing? Send healing lights to Earth, Universe, other beings of love and light?

When you chance upon an emergency, how would you react? While waiting for the paramedics, why not send some healing and supportive light to the soul whichever is best for his/her higher self. Set intention to stop bleeding?

When you chance upon natural disasters, even if it is reported on media, a positive reaction will be to send healing and supportive lights?

The list goes on.

If you are already doing some of these or doing other healing aspects; thumbs up to you.

If this list intimidates you, don’t panic. One most basic thing you may like to start with is self healing. It is a journey and not a onetime matter. Take good care of yourself so others need not worry for you. When you are more comfortable, start healing Earth and move on from there.