You might be new to working with crystals or you might have worked with crystals for years and yet faced the same dilemma.
There may be some tips or guidelines in selecting crystals. However, above all, your intuition supercedes all these logical guidelines.
- What do you need to work on presently
- Which one is able to assist you
- Which one is able to assist you
If you are viewing a picture or a physical stone
- Which one attracts your attention
- Which one feels comfortable when you see or hold it.
- Which one gives you a 'nudge', tingles your palm, gives you a stronger static sensative and etc.
- Which one keeps appearing in your thought.
- Which one has a cut, colour, design, shape, unique feature which attracts your attention.
You might select crystals by referring to its metaphysical healing properties after a diagnosis of what you need to work on presently. You may ask a practioner for help, a stone whisperer or simply use oracle cards or scrying tools for a second opinion
The right crystal will present itself to you at the right price, right shape, right usage and etc.
Some people have doubts with crystals which has physical defect. For instance, a chip on its end, cloudy and not fully transparent, has inclusion and etc. Ask yourself if you have conquered the lesson of ecstatic or cosmetic beauty? Have a closer look at the crystal, appreciate the beauty beyond physical outlook. Each stone is beautiful in the eyes of its beholder; if that applies to human, why not the stones? Each stone has its personality, the physical beauty does not dictates its capabilities.