Monday, December 27, 2010


Pick any crystal that you wish to work with (preferably Clear Quartz/ Selenite for the first time. For stronger experience, you may try Obsidian). Place the crystal on any of your chakras or around you.

Close your eyes and call in your guide(s). Also call in Archangel Michael or any guide(s) familiar to you to hold the space. Connect to the energy of Oneness (imagine a source from above) and connect to Mother earth (imagine a source below) and ask that all access energies or discharged energies be channeled to Mother Earth for proper handling.

[Clearing and Cleansing]
Ask for the presence of Angel Brisnavak who is the Angel for Silencing of the Mind.
Focus your thoughts and intention at your mind.
(Optional: If you can, use your Third Eye to look at the space of your mind.)

Allow Angel Brisnavak to embrace all the intention, thoughts and etc that is in your mind, and take it away. Take note of your breathing, allow all that is no longer required be exhaled out.

You will then experience void/ vacuum/ blank.

Slowly you will see stars emerging one after another and light of far away blinking slowly. Allow yourself to experience the universe. Enjoy the peace and untouched creation.

Recite with intention that you wish to clear away all perceptions and beliefs that no longer serve the purpose of your higher self, those that were introduce in your life since your creation or those that were passed down through your lineage.

Ask that all these that is right to be discharged at this moment are channeled to Mother Earth for proper clearing

Decide on the duration to move forth to the next chapter

Ask for new downloads of wisdoms that is good for your higher self. Fill your soul with essence or qualities that is lacking. Also fill with abundance, love and light, joy and peace among anything else.

Ask the crystal to share its healing properties and new downloads which is suitable for you. Breathe in the energies and allow them to be integrated with your mind, body and soul

Imagine yourself as a star that shines brighter and brighter illuminating the spaces around you (or similar essence). Fully embrace the rebirth filling in your soul.

Once the 3 chapters are completed, ask your guide(s) to allow smooth integration and transition to ensure no after-effect on physical plane.

Once completed, thank all angels, your guides and the crystal.

For future sessions, you may explore the following
i) Crystals can differ in each session
ii) Placement of crystal can differ in each session. Explore different chakras if you are comfortable
iii) Drink water to allow better integration

What would happen after this meditation?
Note that this meditation allows you to take away cluttered thoughts and energies in your mind. It can be an instance clearing that silence your mind. You will experience a sense of refreshed silence in your mind.

For a long term, it allows you to clear off previous perceptions and believes that are build since your creation or those that are inherited via your lineages that

This meditation can be repeated as many times are you require.