Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Be it whether you are aware or not aware, the grid lines of physical and etheric changes from time to time. Planet movements influence the energy level of earth and beings of earth.

Be it you like to be in the flow or not, things happened in strange manners that you like to call it coincidence.

So there are times that depression sets in when we dwell into thoughts of negativity. Thought crumbles you and fear sets in. And you keep sitting waiting for clarity and light at the end of the tunnel. Is there anything that you can do?

At the moment in time, and for the pass 3 weeks, the time has come for reflections of your pass, the dark side of yourself, the part that you had to struggle. The little part of fear that bothers you or those little crumbles that you swept beneath your carpet. It’s time to forgive, voice out politically, release the feeling, fear and traps that you set for yourself. It’s time of reflections.

I like to say, for those who are strongly connect to divine at the moment, ask for clearing of blockages, release old wounds, forgive in soul level and voice out your thoughts not anger. For those who are not quite up to it, use tools such as crystals, high grade essential oil, meditation, mantra and etc.

Crystal recommendations
Firstly, the bold Obsidian (i.e. black obsidian, rainbow obsidian, green obsidian or blue obsidian) that will pull away all that is ready to be discharged by you. Set intentions to release those that no longer serve the purpose of your higher self. In fact it is brilliant to have an obsidian place at your reading desk, of anywhere that you can peacefully rest and discharged

Secondly, gentle and intelligent Blue Chalcedony is right at the moment to allow release of unspoken words and thoughts. Surviving on this planet taught us the lesson to not speak the truth most of the time, and that little mole hill of unspoken words build its momentum and cellular memory. This time around gives you the chance to release. When the mole hill expands, it may create physical discomfort ranging from throat irritation, sore throat, cough, thyroid and etc. Blue Chalcedony gives very good support in terms of calming the situation of release. Allow more ultimate release in a smoother and shorter timeline