Sunday, May 15, 2011


One of the recent message shares to connect more to nature, ask for the Tree Angels to heal, watch over and walk with you. Share forth love and light with all Tree Angels and ask for their guiding wisdom to pour forth and care for Mother Earth. Tree Angels have walked the earth since the earth was created, and all those that was placed together with the birth of the Earth are those that will eventually support its growth to another energy level

Tree Angels are not foreign to humankind. Its healing energy is pure and strong.

Some of the Tree Angels identified by Fred Hageneder are as below

Birch | Ash | Walnut | Elder | Holly | Rowan | Hawthorn | Oak | Aspen | Hazel | Juniper | Linden (Lime) | Blackthorn | Yew | Field Maple | Elm | Black Poplar | Larch | White Willow | Scots Pine | Apple | Spruce | Ivy | Olive | Almond | Hornbeam | Beech | Cedar of Lebanon | Horse Chestnut | Sycamore | Alder | Pear | Pipal | Ginkgo | Cherry | Myrrh