Wednesday, August 10, 2011


When we take care of our well being and do healing work unto ourselves, all your soul mates and those in your monad shall be slightly alleviated as well. This would mean people who are in your close circle of family, relatives and friends whom still have roles in your life shall rip the fruits of alleviation.

However, the effectiveness of this healing consciousness is usually less powerful compared to the work done by the person themselves.

The main aim however, is to first heal and take care of yourself. When you are well, and have the capacity to assist others, then you could in fact contribute to Divine's order. This concept is not linear though, it is an ongoing spiral of cycle because we grow and continously learn. Yes, that means we multitask (work on ourself and be tasked). When you are at a certain level of alleviation, you are tasked at your capability.

Sometimes we may wish to assist others, but bear in mind that when you do so, set intention that it is for the person's highest good. As much as we wish to assist others, sometimes Divine's order does not allow their personal contracts or lessons to be interrupted and altered before their soul learns. Other times, the soul themselves may not be ready to receive your assistance. Thus, allow the flow.. respect Divine's timing