Sunday, December 11, 2011


Greetings ....

The cycle of TRUTH had begin since Sep and will continue as we are ushered into the new year. All are guided to face and live in truth. It may sound as though you are repeating some lessons that you may have faced before, had glimpses of these experiences previously, or may have an inner knowing that these truth will one day surface as part of your journey.

That is how these TRUTH energy pushes you. Events HAD, IS or WILL surface to pave a journey for you to learn and experience. This pattern of energy cycle is nothing new, just that it is now able to show lessons more in depth and with higher clarity. In actual fact your are learning a deeper level and is given the opportunity to understand a greater overview.

The book of truth for human is encoded in our DNA. The learning pattern can be seen in our formation of DNA. Take a good look at the simple Illustration A.

- Although time does not run on linear, in this illustration we will presume it does for easier understanding.
- Each new beginning of one tier, may or may not be on the same topic or issue, depending on the readiness, necessity of one's journey or other possible reasons. Also bear in mind that some topics does not happen in a series; it may be a one-time off lesson. For more important lessons, it will then probably be in a series with deeper level of understanding and experience (i.e. 'Tier 2 Beginning' happens later than 'Tier 1 Beginning' with deeper intensity). Series may be consecutive or in intervals of weeks, months, years and etc.

You may feel as you come to the same topic or issue; back to square one. The truth is it is not. The current energy allow you to revisit these topics or issues and have the most suited supporting energy to assist your learning. So, thumbs up.

Always remember that Divine will not place you in a task that you do not have the ability to work it out. Always know that you may ask for assistance ... from your guides, the elementals, the mineral kingdom and etc.