Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Prasolite, or more widely known as green amethyst, is a stone of personal expression. It encourages one to boldly express oneself; our thoughts, emotions, will and wishes. It also allows us to be tactful in expressing ourselves more clearly. You will be surprised that others would be happy to hear you out, work out a compromise and be in greater acceptance of us. Use this tide to set a new ground for your life journey.

Stand firm on your newly set decision and move ahead: no time for procrastination and dilemma. If you have previously set any goal/s, review and start working towards it. Do not hesitate and be doubtful. This is the time to express your originality. Be bold, be self-reliant and not be easily affected by unreliable opinions.

In times of negotiation, state what is best for your highest good.

Call upon the Master Guardian of Prasolite to assist you to optimize the negotiation for your highest good. Allow it to heighten your wisdom, and provide you the clarity, tactfulness and all that is necessary to express your originality.

Do one of the following: work with Master Guardian, carry the stone or wear it. Meditate with it, make elixir. Be creative with it.