Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Many times we consciously or not, subject ourselves to acknowledging others while denying ourselves the acceptance of who we are. Many of us are brought up to respect and obey certain people, to preview certain dictated qualities, to follow a certain way of life and etc. Directly or indirectly, most of us compromise ourselves to others around us.

Self acceptance is a very important intention. It is the root that spurs out many other sub values such as, self mastery, self confidence, self reliance, trust of self, and all values in connection to our personal power and all these is governed by your solar plexus.

Below a simple releasing intention which you may find helpful.

Center yourself, be at peace and breathe gently. You may intuitively select a crystal to accompany this session.

Once ready, recite the intention below

With the permission of my higher self and for the highest good of my soul journey
  • I accept myself for who I am, all that I do, all that I say, and all that I feel.(Breathe gently. When ready continue with the next recital)
  • I ask for all energies, words, comments, perceptions, intentions and etc from others that is not for my highest good, to be transmuted to all that is required by Mother Earth, and all that is for the learning of each sender to be returned back to them respectively. (Breathe gently. When ready continue with the next recital)
  • I ask of these to be done of those that is known and unknown, conscious and not conscious to me
of all god zillion years, god zillion universe, god zillion dimension, god zillion realms and beyond time and space and void

of present life, parallel lives, past lives, future lives and lives beyond my knowledge
  • I ask for healing lights to nurture and nourish all levels of my body systems
Let this be done for the greatest good. 
Breathe gently and clear your mind off any thoughts, memories and etc. 

**This intention can be repeated as frequently as you intuitively feel the need