Thursday, January 31, 2013


High and mighty, the citrines hold the expansion energy which brightly to shine forth on your path and show you the way to your highest potential. As the energy from previous month settles and stabilizes, we are geared forth to develop and expand our potential. Discover your potential, regain your gifts, re-establish your skill sets as you learn to live as Divine. All new space for growth, a bright new start to a smoother journey of life. Know that you are well watched over by your highest self. Radiate and extend your spark of light to assist others. Truly LIVE in the present and LIVE in ABUNDANCE. It is your birth right to be shined with joy, love, good health and all good energies. Release any negative perceptions or limitation in your life. Learn to manifest and have humble gratitude in every way. Believe in miracles, as it is part of you.
Learn from the Master Guardian of Citrine. Ask for it's healing properties to be shared with you and people around you. Experience the limitless expansion and achievement.
Do one of the following: work with Master Guardian, carry the stone or wear it. Meditate with it, make elixir. Send it as a gift, use it to grid a space and share its healing properties with others. Be creative with it.