Wednesday, January 9, 2013


This month marks a new phase of energy. It is still stabilizing, settling and integrating into our body systems (physical, emotion, mental, spiritual and beyond). The spectrum of the energy flow is vast; high and fine vibrations merging into a strong grounding energy from Earth. It is not easy for our body systems to simultaneously hold such high and fine energy while at the same time strongly grounded on physical level.
Smoky Quartz is tasked to hold, stabilize, synchronize and allow smooth integration of this vast spectrum of energy. It allows you to connect to your highest Divinity and at the same time be grounded steadily while experiencing your journey on Earth.  It has the capability to stabilize the energy, allow clarity and clear insights by dissolving all that no longer serves your highest purposes and focuses your concentration. It dissolves confusion, contradictions, transmutes negative energy and alleviates those that create stress and heaviness. It has the capability to safely alleviate depression, fear, moodiness and uncertainties. It is a good and practical crystal to add to your collection.
At times of uncertainties, call upon the Master Guardian of Smoky Quartz to assist you for your highest good.
Do one of the following: work with Master Guardian, carry the stone or wear it. Meditate with it, make elixir. Be creative with it.