Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Heat transferred from sun, burners and any heat medium, does not activate a crystal. In fact heat may alter the molecular bindings of the crystals. Due to the chemical interaction, crystals with weaker molecular bindings may give way to temperature which causes it to disintegrate, become a different crystal composition, change colour, clarity, or durability.
Gentle sun ray does cleanse and energize a crystal. However, it is not the heat that is performing those tasks. It is the connection of the crystal with Sun, Moon or other planets that is cleansing and energizing it.
Alternatively, you may recite an intention if you intend to cleanse, activate, or energize a crystal. You may hold the crystal or have it in your thought while you recite your intentions. Examples below
·         … I ask that you be cleansed and awaken to your utmost power
·         … I ask that you be cleansed and energized to your optimum
In the market, crystals are commonly heat treated to melt away mineral inclusion, gas inclusion, fluid inclusion, and impurities to enhance or to create a new crystal composition. Crystals with enhanced colour, clarity and durability tend to be more marketable. These crystals retain its original healing properties as there were no changes in the chemical structure.
However, beware some crystals are heat treated to mimic and sold as a higher priced crystals type or grade. Know your sources to ensure you are paying for which you intend to. Crystals in this category retains its original healing properties while changing its colour therapy capability. A heat treated Amethyst which mimics Citrine holds the healing capability of Amethyst but changes its colour therapy capability from purple to yellow. It does not retain the colour therapy of purple anymore.

Another method of heat treatment known as vapor deposition, heats up crystals with electric current at a high temperature in a conditioned space with other minerals to permanently deposit a surface of new crystal composition. This method gives birth to a new range of aura crystals such as angel aura and aqua aura. The minerals commonly used ranges from gold, silver, titanium, platinum and so forth. Crystals in this category has different altered healing properties.
Other common treatments on crystals are dyeing, impregnation, filling and etc.
Crystals do not really mind the treatments applied on them. As previously mentioned, they are destined to be found at the condition they are today to reach you, even if you own a Citrine mimicked Amethyst.
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