Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Wherever you are on Earth at this moment, the throat chakra is under massive shift. Watch out for discomfort of stuck energies, tickles in your throat, cough, and etc that relates to your throat and respiratory system. There may also be instances where you utter words that do not synchronize with your thoughts; words are charged with anger, frustration and tinge of imbalance. Well, be aware that the shift is here. Take care by being at peace, having more water in your body system, meditate and do healing.

The shift allows your voice’s frequency to be realigned, retune and recalibrated. The heard and unheard notes are shifted to match the change. All that no longer serve are forced to be overturned and emptied; literally inside out.

Breathing out all that no longer serves and inhale essences that are nurturing and nourishing to your body and soul.

Use blue shades crystals to assist you. Wear them as necklace or simply place them on your throat chakra when you’re resting or meditating. Examples are Blue Lace Agate, Lapiz Lazuli, Kyanite, Sodalite, Blue Chalcedony and etc.

Drink more water to integrate smoothly