Saturday, July 30, 2011


With the advancement of one’s self mastery, there may be times that one encounters dense energy within a space. There is no judgment against the density, rather the comfort of oneself in that space. Ultimately, you will not be affected by these energy changes although you are aware them

If you’re new to dense energy, here are some suggestions

1. Ensure you work on your spleen chakra so that there are no energy leakages. Also cut all cords/ connections that is tapping your energy to ensure you are at your optimum

2. Bring in a hologram of light to cleanse, energize and embrace your auric fields. The hologram of light can be in any color, shapes and sizes; anything that you are comfortable or intuitively prefer. The keynote is your intension of the purpose of this hologram light.

3. Of course, you may meditate with crystals with protective energy or carry them around. Try obsidian, lapis lazuli, tiger’s eye or any others that you resonate best with

4. Alternatively, you may call in your angels/ guides or protective guides that you best resonate with.