Wednesday, October 10, 2012


After numerous energy shifts and opportunities to work with ourselves, we are reminded that to elevate our energy body, we are to focus and work with it on all levels, namely, physical, emotion, mental, spiritual and etc.

i) Psychology is not a body system but a methodology to work with these energy body.

ii) There are many more body systems which are slowly reviewed to us as the Earth’s energy shift. Some energy body are beyond the support of the present column of age on Energy.

For instance, one element of energy e.g. releasing anger encompasses many aspects for us to work with.

• Physical – As we are living on Earth, we cannot avoid having to face the triggering events. As we all know, this is a real time mechanism. We cannot undo events; we can only make the best out of it. For a smoother and more fulfilling journey, a combination of healing on all body systems will be useful.

• Emotion – Relates to heart matters. Being tactful and honoring our true feelings among other elements are both very fundamental root emotions that which are creators to more complicated feelings. Each of us react differently to matters as we are uniquely different. Thus, an open and abundant heart brings us to greater height of peace and love.

• Mental – Relates to mind matters. The concept of control, acceptance, inner child, gratitude and law of attraction among other healing elements, builds up how we perceive matters consciously and subconsciously. Thus, awareness, understanding and conscious instructions to our physical body for application will shift matters of physical plane.

• Spiritual – Relates to our soul level. This level relates to fine energy matrixes which build up our soul. As we existed in multiple eons of dimension/universe/ realms and etc, it is not surprising for us to have accumulated energies through experiences and journeys and carry them with us through these periods of existence. These energies in our present lifetime, parallel lifetimes, past lifetimes and future lifetimes (as time is actually not linear, this paradox is used as a reference for easier understanding) it does indeed influence and cross-influence our present life. Energy healing is a methodology to work with this massive and complicated body system. (Note: Religions are one of methodologies to work on this body system).

The good news is that crystal is one of the most encompassing healing methodologies which are able to support us through these few body systems. It is natural and safe, yet has very powerful capabilities. If you are using crystals, rest assured you have one of the best supports in your journey.