Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Recently, Earth experienced a massive shower of frequency, something similar to the concept of meteor shower. This shower is caused by the shift of Earth’s plane, literally shifting the Earth frequency to finer notches. With the more refined Earth’s frequency, it allows Earth to be able to easily sustain the Universe’s energy movement.

In another words, the concept of 'End of Time' prophesized by many is smoothly transiting now. As previously mentioned, Earth has energy body. With the finer energy body, the shift becomes more easy and smooth. When this happens, all beings on Earth will be affected but with less physical impact. Symptoms you may detect are those on structural related, gravity, stand point, lineage, and etc. It means, on personal plane, all matters related to bone will surface; old patterns, cellular memories and energies released. Issues with soul family, lineages are brought forth for re-examination. People’s standpoint, views and inherited legacy is brought forward to be re- evaluated. Organizations with conglomerate concept will be relooked and reorganized.

Selenite with an upgrade of energies will be a friendly companion at this moment. Its energies have shifted a couple of weeks ago to be even finer and wholesome. It is able to sustain, neutralized and restore your energy body and allow energy integration more smoothly and rapidly. This new fine energy conductor brings with it the healing energies to repair, restore and insert the missing nodes of your energy body. In another word, our body is experiencing a new downloading of codes which repairs your body’s existing bio magnetic nodes, restore the nodes of our ancestral body system alike to those at the beginning of time, inserting nodes that allow our body to sustain higher frequencies.

Whether you are aware or not, this is in fact happening to each individual. Selenite will just assist the speed of the transmission and integration. For the next few days or weeks, work with Master Guardian of Selenite or carry one with you. Take more rest and sleep for easier integration.