Wednesday, October 31, 2012


This violet-purple stone brings with it a strong solid volume of awakening rays as this age leap onto another; as the Earth frequency shift to a finer notch. The speed of the transition is building up and will be on a greater scale as it draws closer to end of the year. All that is surrounding us is experiencing and creating more and higher vibration in line with the frequency shift. All that is related to human body system; the physical, emotion, mental and spiritual is transitioned more speedily. All that is in relation to our surroundings of nature or material are also shifting tremendously. All earthly concepts on economics, politics, education, science, wealth and etc are also showing massive changes. In a nutshell, everything will undergo a quick shift.

Are we up for it? Is our body systems ready?
All we can do is to do whatever we can and know. The violet-purple rays are shining, master guardian of Sugilite are stationed to receive as grounding portals. These rays bring with it codes and frequencies which need to be smoothly received and integrated into our body systems. Many of us, through the journeys of our lifetimes are ready to receive them, while many will need a little more nudges of assistance to smoothly receive and integrate these rays. There are many methods out there that we can do. Rule of thumb; with a strong intention and an open mind and heart, allow all that is for your highest good to be downloaded into your body systems. Even if you are not aware, the rays are shining. The important part is to allow it to be smoothly integrated into you.

I do not wish to emphasize on the effects of our body not integrating these codes smoothly. It is all for your highest good. There is no need for a perception to be planted in you. Just know that all that is wished for by you, is for your highest good.

For the intended ones, use your Sugilite with grace. Understand that it will be functioning to receive these violet-purple rays and ground them on Earth as portals to share forth the rays to all. You may wear, carry or have the Sugilite stationed in a location. Understand that the dissemination of rays is not measurable by distance i.e. higher capacity at a closer range. Rest assured that the rays will be tuned to your needs and it does not bring unfavorable effects on you.

For those who are accustomed to working with Master Guardian of Sugilite, do call upon them and share forth the rays