Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Each time Earth experience frequency shift, so all the beings in its atmosphere. Mineral Kingdom has experienced frequency shifts since Earth’s formation. In each shift, the stones enhance its metaphysical capabilities and expand to assist physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Its original capabilities will not be removed or superseded. It will continuously enhance, refine and expand its depth and vastness.

During these frequency shifts, new stones are formed and wherever it is, it will share forth its healing properties. There are stones which are on Earth that is meant to remain below the crust of Earth, while others will surface for our usage at the right time. Stones have their own divine purpose, not all stones are meant to assist human ascension as some are meant for Earth.

There are no stones in Mineral Kingdom which can ever be considered as obsolete, as its capabilities will continuously be upgraded. Each has it purpose and will never be put to waste.

When there is a need, the frequency of the stone will be altered by other beings to allow us to benefit from them. Quartz is one of the favorite stone for this task due to its capability to contain high frequency; its nature of a wide spectrum of lights which can contain nano range of colors and its existing physical capability to synchronize with our frequency e.g. Lemurian Seed, Azeztulite

Amazing how Divine works.