Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Creating a healthy boundary refers to establishing a balanced surrounding in our own space.
We live among people to fulfill our experiential learning journey. Each one of us has our own programs to manage and at the same time assist one another in this life journey. There is so much ongoing in our surroundings. All these influence our energy body systems. Thus, in order to maintain healthy energy body systems, you will need to identify healthy boundaries for yourself. Otherwise, you will be very involved and occupied in other people’s program. Word of advice, be present only if our involvement is mandatory.
Each one of us has our own roles to play in each scenario. When a scenario presents itself, we have to discern whether our participation is indeed needed. Our participation in all scenarios is at soul level. Therefore, do not hold grudges against any individual. Each soul is just playing its role to fulfill the scenario for your experiential learning. On a soul level, thank the soul and release all ties and energy linkages (i.e. anger, forgiveness). Be at peace at all times.
Participation can be largely categorized as below. Most souls experience a combination of these participation options.
  • Mandatory and Assistive Roles - Mandatory roles refer to roles where our presence is destined. No one else can substitute this role. It may be roles of your selected core programs or those that are for the highest good of Divine Oneness.
    Assistive roles refer to roles which we play for our soul family members to assist their journeys. Selected soul family members usually reincarnate in the same timeframe to assist one another in their individual programs. This is the reason many find that their close ones are soul mates of their past. Apart from that, there are also among us which are selected to assist in tasks for the highest good of Divine Oneness. These souls carry a suitable blueprint to run the Divine errands.
  • Divine Protégé – A Divine protégé is a vacant role which is required in a scenario to assist one's journey or for the highest good of Divine Oneness. It is very similar to the Assistive role above, however this optional role can be carried out by any selected soul. Prioritize your roles by understanding the importance and how crucial your presence is in each scenario. This category requires self discernment and focus. Assist only when you have the capacity and capability. Do not let pride, ego and ignorance blind you. Do not let self-centeredness, greed and irresponsibility influence you. This is where you need to create healthy boundaries.
  • Not required – Not your jurisdiction. Do not interfere in others' program or take over their roles. Practice discernment to know whether your participation is truly mandatory.
To create healthy boundaries, practice discernment. If uncertain, send out an intention before you participate that all that you do is for the highest good. Centralize your energy from time to time and reinforce your healthy boundaries. Call upon the Master Guardian of Tiger's Eyes or place a piece of it over your shoulder, heart chakra and solar plexus.
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