Thursday, December 20, 2012


You may use crystal to grid areas such as your home, workplace, sacred places and so forth. There is no strict rule on measurement, grid pattern, location, crystal size, crystal shapes and etc. It can be a temporary or permanent grid depending on the needs. I would recommend you to intuitively decide.

A crystal grid may be used to create a boundary with a set intention in your space. A gridded space allows a more constant energy and requires less maintenance to cleanse and charge. However, occasional maintenance is recommended to ensure the gridded space is at its optimum energy level. You may intend the space to hold more love energy, have higher security, have higher vibration, holds more harmony and peaceful energy and so forth.

Firstly, decide the purpose to grid this space. Set your intention for protection, love, harmony, abundance, grounding and so forth. There is no limitation to your intention.
If you have the resources, I would recommend you to select the crystal with those healing properties you want to grid the space. For example, invoke Hematite for grounding, energy flow and all its relevant healing properties to grid the space. Then you may layer another grid of love with rose quartz. There is no limit to the number of layers that you can apply. Abundance is good, but do practice balance.
You may by intuition pick the number of crystals to use, decide where to place them before laying the grid.
Alternatively, you may combine your understanding of symbol, numerology and etc. For instance, number 4 is great for stability and grounding, thus use 4 crystals and grid on 4 corners.
When you are ready to grid the space, have all the crystals cleansed and awakened. Set your intention.
Example:  “ … I ask that you be cleansed off all energies that no longer serve the purpose of my higher self and those individuals in this space. And I ask that you be awaken to your utmost power and that this be done for the greatest good. I ask for the Master Guardian of Hematite (replace with the name of the crystal you select) to share forth the grounding properties and all its healing properties to grid this space. Allow this to be done for the greatest good.”
Gently place the crystals on the designated points. It may be placed above or in the soil, beside a window sill and etc. You may intuitively decide which crystal to place first. For instance, 4 corners can be 1-2-3-4 in a smooth square sequence, or 1-3-2-4 as a cross. There is no hard and fast rule as long as you intuitively feel comfortable.