Monday, July 5, 2010


What is downloading?
It is an intention to store energy. Energy refers to frequency which is a vibrational information. Downloading works similarly to a thumbdrive/pendrive in the computer technology. Crystal (acting as the thumbdrive) with its unique vibration is able to store spectrum of energies. These information can be restored in any point in time in the future for you to work with. Intuitively decide if downloading is required.
What can be downloaded?
Past, current, parallel and future life memories

i) Past life memories, wisdom, gifts, skills and etc that are deem necessary and favorable to be made known to oneself.

ii) Current and parallel life memories, wisdom, gifts, skills, meditation journeys and messages for future or for documentation purposes

iii) Future dated events, memories, wisdom, gifts, skills and etc that is still hidden or yet to be reviewed pending the right time

Why is downloading beneficial?
Downloading is especially helpful when you are visiting sites which you are uncertain whether you will one day return. For instance, you are at the Pyramids of Egypt and may be working on some tasks or time triggering events at that moment. If you intuitively feel that you may have other time triggering tasks or events in relation to this same site, you may set intention to download these into the crystal. You may download it or come back to the site in future, your choice.

Apart from that, you may also download messages, images, insights and etc that you come across during meditation or quiet time which you may not understand at the moment. You may keep these memories for future reference or keep these journeys for record purposes

How to download?
i) Ensure crystal(s) are all awaken and cleansed

ii) Set intention that the crystal(s) will download the energies that is for your highest good. You may download 2 main catagories of energy i.e. for the individual master which is You, and for the crystal.

For the individual master
Download the wisdom, gifts, skills and etc that are of the highest good for soul purpose. (Downloads can be of future dated activation)

For the crystal
Download the wisdom, healing abilities and power rightful for the crystal for future use.

I had an experience where I programmed a crystal wand to download what which is good for my highest potential. I did not specifically dictate which  or what to download. When it returned from Egpyt, I noticed that it downloaded both for individual master as well as the knowledge of crystal usage in Egypt. Wonderful.