Monday, July 5, 2010


When a crystal's healing properties are not required, it stays dormant conserving its energy. It will brilliantly adjust to the need whether its healing properties are required in the space or the people around it.

However, similar to all Divine assistance, they would only assist to the optimum if you would only ask. Your intention and request are very powerful. It propels the Universe to watch over and assist you to manifest your journey.

Thus it is recommended that you first cleanse the energy of the crystal, after which to recite your intention to awaken the crystal. The intention to awaken the crystal projects your intention or request for Universe assistance.

What is the purpose to awaken a crystal?
Awakening the stone is like fully activating all the features of the stone especially the ‘Individual characteristics’ that will bring you and the stone further

What is the difference between ‘awaken’ and ‘unawaken' crystal?
For those who are able to sense energy, an ‘awaken' crystal gives a more intense vibration and a deeper dive into infinite wisdom.

How frequent do I need to awaken the crystal?
Once is sufficient. Recite an intention which is more encompassing and long term. There are indeed very rare instance that one may need to awaken the crystal multiple times.

Does cleansing intention clears the awakening intention ?
No. Cleansing intension does not affect or clear the awakening intention.
How do I awaken the stone?
Focus and recite with intention
Example Keyword: i) Awaken and ii) Utmost power

“… I ask that this stone be awaken to its utmost power and work with me for my highest good. And I asked that this been done… ”
[You may customise your intentions to which you feel right. There is no one correct method, you will know best as a master]