Monday, October 11, 2010


There are differences between rock/stone, crystal and gemstones. They vary in age, formation due to pressure, temperature, presence of water, changes of its surrounding and etc.

In the market these days, you may encounter a few main category of crystals.

i) Genuine/ Authentic ones - Most popular for its esthetic and healing properties
e.g. Clear quartz, Ammolite, Obsidian etc

ii) Man made ones (Lab grown, Superheated, Color-infused) – Created to enhance or change its healing properties (e.g. Siberian Quartz, Cracked Quartz, Aura Quartz). Created to mimic the genuine due to its esthetic appearance (e.g. Jade, Ruby, Sapphire). Know your sources and what you are paying for.

iii) Reformed chips or sand
I have encountered malachite and opal chips which were formed together as mosaic. The genuine crystals found in smaller particles were reformed together as a new structure e.g. sculpture. As compared to the two categories above, this category has a scattered energy. It does carry the original healing properties, but it is less powerful compared to the original form.

Watch out for this. I have encountered glass (originate from sand i.e. silica) items sold as crystal clear amethyst or clear quartz. I have encountered granite/ silica grinded and reformed to be sold as jade and yellow calcite. The younger the original composition i.e. silica, it carries less healing abilities.