Sunday, September 26, 2010


Pick any crystal you wish to work with.

Decide whether you prefer to work with masculine or feminine energy in each session. Start with either one (not both simultaneously) as it may be overwhelming.

In each session, there will be 3 chapters
1) Clear and cleanse
2) Restoration
3) Rebirth

If you have decided to work with masculine energy in this session, place the crystal on your heart chakra, close your eyes and call in your guide(s). Also call in Archangel Michael or any guide(s) familiar to you to hold the space. Connect to the energy of Oneness (imagine a source from above) and connect to Mother earth (imagine a source below) and ask that all access energies or those that no longer serve the purpose of your higher self to be channeled to Mother earth for proper handling.

Recite your intention:
E.g. I wish to balance the masculine energy for my soul.

First, clear and cleanse the masculine energy that no longer serves you. With your eyes close, allow situations or faces of masculine people flashes through your mind as though you are watching a movie. Do not indulge in the flashbacks, just watch without emotions, without thoughts, without comments, and without pauses. Take note of your breathing, ensure you inhale and exhale gentle deep breathe. Exhale all those that no longer serves you.

Practice discernment in deciding the timing to end the session. It is recommended that you work on a few sessions of masculine energy solely. If you encounter flashbacks which you find significant, you may revisit it and breakdown the flashbacks. Search the reason it is holding you back, the reason it makes you uncomfortable and so forth. Yes, you may repeat the same situation or faces.

In each session, once you have completed the clearing and cleansing chapter, move on to restoration. In this chapter, fill your soul with essence or qualities which you identify that you are lacking. Also fill yourself with abundance, love, light, joy and peace.

Next chapter, ask for rebirth. Imagine a flower bud (or similar essence) blossoming from your heart chakra. Fully embrace the rebirth filling your soul.

Once the 3 chapters are completed, ask your guide(s) to allow smooth integration at your individual pace.

Once completed, thank all your guides and the crystal.

For future sessions, you may
i) Work with masculine or feminine energy interchangeably in each session. It is not recommended that you do both in one session to avoid the energy from being too overwhelming
ii) Crystals can differ in each session
iii) Placement of crystal can differ in each session. Explore different chakras if you are comfortable

Note that this meditation gradually clear and balance the masculine and feminine energies. It is a good energy maintenance meditation template and could effectively reduce as many clearings and releases of previous. Also bear in mind that certain clearings are time based and could only be cleared when the time is right. Thus you may repeat this meditation session from time to time