Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Intuitively pick up a crystal and hold in your hand

Simply imagine a bright light from you and the crystal vibrating magnificently from your heart chakra.

Magnificently means allowing the light to cover your heart chakra, your whole being, area around you, people/ plants/ animals/ around you, country you are in, and so forth till it covers the whole earth. How vast to cover depends on your own judgment

What does this do?

• This allows you to heal your own aura at the same time share forth healing energies to people plants/ animals/ you care depending on how vast you cover.

• This is a simple step for distance healing. You may know of someone who is in need of your presence, assistance or simply wishing the person well.

• When you are at a place of discomfort, this allows you to be of high confidence and strength

• When you are meeting people or in situations of discomfort, this allows your energy to be heighten which then allow you to boost your immune system or take minimum impact

Note: Remember that you are not using you own energy, thus you will not be depleted. You are pulling in energies for refined energy matrix of Oneness.

Try it!