Sunday, March 20, 2011


Wand refers to a rod-shaped crystal. Wand is commonly found

·         Without terminators; neither end of the rod has a sharp point

·         With 1 terminator; with 1 sharp point on either end

·         With 2 terminators; with 2 sharp points on both ends

·         With more than 2 terminators; multiple sharp point on 1 end  

Apart from the natural wand formation, man had learned to shape crystals as wands. Some crystals cannot form wands naturally due to its natural crystal structure. As such, man had expanded the functionality of crystals by shaping crystals as wands.

There are variety of names given to natural wand terminators namely scepters, laser wands, twin cathedrals, portals and so forth. On the other hand, wands cut by man are usually found with 1 terminator or 2 terminators.

There is no fix concept on whether which end of the rod is the inlet (draws in energy) or outlet (transmit out energy). It depends on the Divine function of the crystal or its intended function at a certain point in time.

A single terminator wand usually draws in the energy from Oneness at the sharp tip of its rod if it is intended to be a portal. The energy is than expanded to be shared forth to its surrounding. Crystal is used as a portal as it has a non compromise energy body which is capable to hold high or intense energy vibration and later tune it to synchronize with its surrounding. In most cases, it is more feasible to use crystal instead of our own lightbody to channel energy to avoid being lethargic.

Single terminator wand is also commonly used to centralize energies at its tip (the outlet). While the other non-sharp end functions as the energy inlet. The inlet channels in the energy of Oneness or the energy of that space to be transmuted or transformed as it passes through the crystal rod, combining the healing properties of the respective crystal type, personality, inclusion, and so forth.

Crystal works on all of our body systems ranging from physical, emotion, mental, spiritual and beyond. It is a powerful and encompassing tool which was known to be used back in olden Egypt.

Healers use wand in psychic surgery by releasing or removing energy from our body system and channeling in healing energy to balance our body systems. They may touch, point or apply pressure on certain spots, chakras, matrixes, aura, bio-magnetic systems of a person.
Earth keepers use wand to channel in energies for a place, open portals or realign grids on Earth. Crystal wands make it easier to channel, hold and synchronize the energy.
One may also draw sacred mantras, symbols or any languages on any surfaces or simply signing in the air to bring in essence of healing, protection, abundance and so forth.

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