Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Sometimes, you may be intuitively working with more than 1 crystals of similar healing properties simultenously. Rest assure that it will not contra or overwrite the healing properties of one another. Instead, it will team up for your betterment.

For instance, 2 crystals that work with abundance (i.e. Citrine and Aventurine) may work in the following combination
Work on different levels (physical, emotion, mental, spiritual) – one clears off the past mental blockages while another fills you with abundance pathway (i.e. spiritual). 
Work on different healing properties – all crystals have more than 1 healing properties, thus they will share different healing property instead of solely abundance. Crystals work very well as a team and they do not overlap or contradict each other.

Boost the healing speed - having more to assist you at one time would allow more to be done in the same duration. It means these 2 different crystals are able to work with you in different perspective and angle addressing the same core area i.e. abundance.

On the same note, this applies similarly if you are working with 2 citrines simutenously (Note: Different stones have different individual personality, although the collective family is Citrine). This means that each individual personality will work on different perspective and angle too. The larger in size does not influence the healing speed. 

So how would I know, which concept is at work.
Intuitively check. But if you can’t tell, it doesn’t matter anyway.

What if there’s too much energy going on?
Ground them into earth or transmute them to love and light. You may then decide to work with a different combination or less crystals at one time.