Sunday, May 1, 2011


In line with a recent article ‘WORKING WITH MORE THAN 1 CRYSTAL’ ( there’s a question on whether crystals would be still and not work.

Yes, either unintended or intended by you.

Unintentionally - In circumstances when you set intend for it to work with you (or for someone or some circumstances) but you’re not certain if it is for the highest good, it may be silent and not work. Crystal works for your highest good, and it cannot be forced to work on something that it does not resonate. Yes, it has high integrity. This is good for beginners, just use any crystals and set intend for it to work for your highest good. It is rare that you would pick a wrong crystal and even in such rare occurrence nothing can go wrong, really.

Intentionally - I once had an experience with a group of people working with their own crystals during a meditation that I intuitively shutdown other crystals which are not in use. If you intuitively find that it is necessary to ‘shutdown/off’ them for a duration, just do it. Don’t worry about forgetting to ‘activate/ on’ them, it will be done automatically. This type occurrence is rare, as usually it they would be silent on their own. Perhaps there were too many crystals around and limited time to get started