Sunday, May 29, 2011


People you meet, sequences of events, coincidences, timing and etc are all part of the life purpose which your soul had signed up for before you are on Earth. Your soul has selected the lessons and subject which you intended to learn and these are called the Soul Lesson. You may have choosen only one lesson or multiple lessons, major in an extensive lesson or just a mild introduction to the subject. Your choice.

Example of lesson - Happiness. You may choose to major in happiness in a soul relationship with others. Learning the factors influencing happiness and so forth.

As your soul grow through experiences as well as learning from the collective soul group, you are elleviated. The higher your are elleviated, you are able to learn, experience and comprehend more in depth of each lesson.

In each life journey, a so-called stage is setup. People, events, materials, places and etc creates situations, incidences, events, memories and you then learn physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. All these are to assist and enrich your experiencial learning.

Some people find it tough to let go of the these stage props especially people. The personality of this soul in this lifetime is different from another lifetime. In soul level, the soul is neutral. Usually souls of the same collective family will be the stage props of each other. For example, you may dislike the personality of this soul in the present lifetime, while in another this soul may play your lover personality.

Understanding this would then assist you to switch your perception of these stage props. There is no need to hang on especially on energy that is not for your highest potential e.g. anger, disharmony.

Reflect on the lessons and move on. It’s not wonderful to retake your lesson, neither to be stagnant or still be in the same cycle. There is much to explore and learn. Do not hold on, it slows you down.

I like to work with Flourite when it comes to letting go.