Wednesday, June 1, 2011



The time has come for a glimpse to clear your past, perceptions, experiences and all that does not matter anymore which are hang up in multiple layers of dimensions and realms. Many are given the glimpse to access these gateways to ‘un-create’ and destroy these perceptions. Untie yourself and pull back your soul fragments to make you whole again. As we move on, you will need all of you to move with you. None shall be left behind.

Set your intention using a Sandstone to access multiple dimensions and realms which your soul needs to work on. Sandstone guides you on a safe and solid astral travel so that you won’t go astray. Ask your guides to accompany your astral journey, and have your soul fragments retrieve.

Use a Flourite and with the guidance of your guides to cleanse these soul fragments before integrating back with you. Be patience and not rush, retrieve one after another, it is a critical task. Seek for practitioner’s assistance if you are not used to soul retrieval and integration.