Sunday, June 19, 2011


You will need to know the function of the 7 basic chakras

Location of the 7 basic chakras
1. Crown - center on top of your head
2. 3rd Eye - 1 inch above, between your eyes
3. Throat - Adam’s apple
4. Heart - between your chest
5. Solar Plexus - 2 inches above your navel
6. Sacral - 3 inches below your navel
7. Root Chakra - at your genital

There is no harm in opening your chakras, and you will not have distorted energy as it is for the purpose of your higher self. My bet is I like to have my guides around.

You do not have to intentionally close your chakras after the meditation. Opening the chakra is a one-time deal; it is to say that you consciously know the existence of this chakra and is activating it. However, for beginners if you feel more comfortable to open/ close your chakras from time to time, there is no harm at all. Closing the chakras does not affect your wellbeing

Intuitively pick and hold a clear quartz (or any other crystals) to aid or boost the experience

You may be on a seated or in lying down position

Close your eyes and call in your guide(s). Connect to the refine energy matrix of Oneness (imagine a source from above) and connect to Mother Earth (imagine a source below)

[Activating, clearing, healing your 7 Chakras]
Gently and slowly take 3 deep breaths

Imagine a bright light from refine energy matrix of Oneness slowly descend to your crown chakra, once it touches the flower-like chakra, it slowly blooms and brightens up; activating and clearing it. The light slowly moves to every cell of your forehead, shining healing lights as it passes.

When the light touches your 3rd eye chakra, the flower-like chakra blooms and brightens up; activating, clearing and healing it. All cells in your head and neck are shined with healing lights as the bright light moves downwards to your throat chakra, heart chakra, solar plexus, sacral chakra and root chakra. Each time it touches your chakras, imagine the flower-like chakra blooms and brightens up; activating, clearing and healing them. While all the cells in your body heals as the light passes through.

Ask the crystal to share its healing properties of all planes and new downloads which is suitable for you. Breathe in the energies and allow them to be integrated with your mind, body and soul

Ask your guide(s) to allow smooth and gentle integration and transition to ensure no after-effect.

Once completed, thank your guide(s) and the crystal.

When you are ready, gentle open your eyes

This meditation can be repeated as often as required