Wednesday, June 22, 2011


First, work with the heart chakra. For anyone whom wishes to start working on your wellbeing, begin with the heart, when the heart is willing, all things are possible. The key to unlock the soul destiny and begin with a smooth soul endeavor, are all resided at the heart. As much as we are taught to think using our mind, begin as a gentle innocent child and think from your heart. The connection to divinity and the spark of divine light is inside you, in your heart chakra.

Many people live not knowing the clues given. Mind is use to think in the physical plane on Earth, and heart is where divine connection to collective consciousness of Oneness is kept. By now, I believe many had understood and mastered to a certain level of expertise how great the mind is, and how to function on Earth using their mind. Many also knows something is missing, there is this other part of wisdom that you kept seeking, but yet not knowing what it is. That unknown is the Divine connection, the ever knowing where all wisdom are kept.

It is beautiful to have a balance in both, the Mind and the Heart. Being able to think and live on the physical plane and yet have the divine wisdom. One has to have a balance in both; otherwise it defeats the purpose of you being a human, in which you have the Mind and the Heart all at once.

You may use a Rose Quartz or any crystals that you pick or intuitively pick to work with your heart chakra.

Rose quartz brings the soothing energy to allow your body to relax. In that relax mode it alter and heals the unbalance nodes. With your willing heart, it heals you and brings you the gentle self-love, self-consciousness, self-confidence. Notice that, it all begins with SELF.

[Healing properties of Rose Quartz]
Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love. It opens the heart chakra to all forms of love: self-love, family love, platonic love, and romantic love. Rose quartz has excellent protection energies during pregnancy and childbirth. It also brings gentleness, forgiveness, and tolerance. Rose quartz assists in being receptive to the beauty and love in everything, also receptivity to colours, sounds, art, music and poetry. It enlivens the imagination to enable it to create beautiful forms. Opens the eyes to physical beauty, assists to love the self, have compassion, forgiveness and acceptance. Brings self-confidence, self worth and creativity. Rose quartz is soothing, calming and reduces stress and tension. It helps to clear anger, resentment, guilt, fear and jealousy.