Sunday, June 26, 2011


You will need to do activating and clearing of your 7 basic chakras.

Crown Chakra which is located at the center on top of your head is where the connection to Divine interfaces. Thus to heighten your intuition, you will want to have your Crown Chakra open for receiving.

Intuitively pick an amethyst (or any other crystal) to aid or boost the experience

You may be in lying down position. Place the crystal on the floor close to your Crown Chakra

Close your eyes and call in your guide(s). Connect to the refine energy matrix of Oneness (imagine a source from above) and connect to Mother Earth (imagine a source below)

[Activating and clearing your 7 basic chakras]
Imagine a bright light from refine energy matrix of Oneness slowly descend to your crown chakra, once it touches the flower-like chakra, it slowly blooms and brightens up; activating and clearing it. Allow the bright light to slowly move through all cells and are shined with healing lights as it moves downwards to your 3rd eye chakra (located 1 inch above, between your eyes), throat chakra (located at the Adam’s apple), heart chakra (located between your chest), solar plexus (located 2 inches above your navel), sacral chakra (located 3 inches below your navel) and root chakra (located at your genitals). Each time it touches your chakras, imagine the flower-like chakra blooms and brightens up; activating, clearing and healing them. While all the cells in your body heals as the light passes through

[Focus on Crown Chakra]
Allow all obsolete energies and blockages that no longer serve the purpose of your higher self to be transmuted to Mother Earth for proper clearing and transmutation to all that is required by Mother Earth.

Imagine a purple pyramid ascend from the top of your head and encompass your whole body. See or imagine the light from the crystal illuminating at your Crown chakra, connecting you vibrantly to the refine energy matrix of Oneness. See your Crown chakra crystallize into a purple crystal and illuminate vibrantly, feel your intuition expand and deeply connected to Divine

Ask that all excessive energy be grounded to Mother Earth.

Ask your guide(s) to allow smooth and gentle integration and transition to ensure no after-effect.

Once completed, thank your guide(s) and the crystal.

When you are ready, gentle open your eyes

This meditation can be repeated as often as required