Sunday, June 12, 2011


Now, there are many people whom are asked to face your lineages and make peace. People are forced into seeing the agreements and disagreements with their parents/ children, supports and copes with their parents/childrens‘ journey (some even the most difficult or the last). This is the time to close a chapter with your lineage, learn to do things or react differently to obtain a different result; change the pattern

For the easier and more peaceful relationships, ask for joy and abundance

While for the bumpier ones, be happy that you have a chance to clear your blockages. At this moment you are surrounded by compassion, patience and determination. So take the opportunity and ride on the tide. Send healing lights, clear your past memories as much as you can. This is one of the most supportive moment

For those who are familiar with travelling into your past life or have the chance to seek assistance from practitioners, take a peep into it. See if there are lineages that you need to work on, skills/ gifts that you need to retrieve. It’s all in your lineages and DNA.