Saturday, September 10, 2011


As I was sipping coffee away and holding a Gold Sandstone (Manmade Goldstone) with infusion of happy thoughts, I asked what should I write next?

That moment with my eyes close, is bliss; nice coffee aroma and molecules running down my throat and gentle energy from the stone and it says, “Say a Little Prayer to Mother Earth”. Wow, very precise and caring.

Me: So, how should I?

Goldstone: Place me and us all on the ground; on soil; on Earth, and allow us to be close to Mother Earth.

Me: Is it not the same if you are not on the ground? I mean not touching the soil?

Goldstone: No, it is not the same. It feels less intimate if you are not closer

Me: Very well. So, on the ground you shall be

(Rest assured that the prayer is safe and it does not bring any side effect to you. All is for the care you have and your genuine love to Divine).

To all crystal guardians (yes, you who temporary ‘owns’ crystals), pick one or many depending on your intuition, and place it or them on the ground where there is soil. Say a prayer as below:

I ask for connection to Mother Earth for me and all crystals that are on Earth, and I ask for connection to refine energy matrix of Oneness. I asked for the hologram of white pyramid to descend on me and the crystals to hold the space.
(Yes, ‘all crystals on Earth’ including those that you place, and those that are naturally place on Earth. We are working on collective energy).

I asked for the healing energies from these crystals to be shared forth and aligned for the highest good of Mother Earth.

I asked for any healing abilities of my blueprint conscious or unconscious, known or unknown to me that are of assistance to be shared forth with Mother Earth.

I ask for restoration of energy from the hologram of pyramid to me and crystals, refresh, heal and align us for our highest good. And if there are any new downloads, I ask for smooth integration. All access energies to be channeled to Mother Earth for proper clearing and transmutation to all that is required by Mother Earth.

And I say this for the greatest good of all.