Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Continue our journey with final Series 4 with the last nine other Tree Angels essences. Essences of Tree Angel are everywhere and not just resided at their physical growth location. As mentioned previously, you may further customized your meditation with any particular angels, or randomly pick any who resonates with you. Of course, you may work with all of them at once after this Series 4, however do intuitively check and ensure it is not overwhelming for you

Previous writing on Tree Angels

ii) Series 1: Birch | Ash | Walnut | Elder | Holly | Rowan | Hawthorn | Oak | Aspen

iii) Series 2: Hazel | Juniper | Linden (Lime) | Blackthorn | Yew | Field Maple | Elm | Black Poplar | Larch

iv) Series 3: White Willow | Scots Pine | Apple | Spruce | Ivy | Olive | Almond | Hornbeam | Beech


You may be in a seated or in lying down position.

Close your eyes and call in your guide(s). Connect to the refine energy matrix of Oneness and connect to Mother Earth

Relax your body before you proceed

[Clearing and Cleansing]
Ask for all that no longer serves you now be channeled to Mother Earth for proper clearing and transmutation to all that is required by Mother Earth.

Gently exhale all that no longer serves you and inhale all that is nurturing for your soul.

[Working with the Tree Angels]

Gently breathe

I ask for the presence of Tree Angel Cedar of Lebanon, and ask that you share forth all healing properties that is suitable for me, my soul mates and Mother Earth
(Essence of Tree Angel Cedar of Lebanon: Care and Grace | Justice and Power | Unfold Your Inner True Majesty | Nobility | World Tree of Ancient Cities | Responsibility | Trust | Honesty | Wisdom | Far Sighted and Foresight | Creativity | Independence | Leo Constellation)

I ask for the presence of Tree Angel Horse Chestnut, and ask that you share forth all healing properties that is suitable for me, my soul mates and Mother Earth
(Essence of Tree Angel Horse Chestnut: Patience | Trust Timing | Optimism | Confidence That Things Are Already Good and Is Getting Better | Be Generous | Everything that You Need is Already Before You, and What you Need Tomorrow id Already on Its Way, An Abundance of Being Nourished Soul)

I ask for the presence of Tree Angel Sycamore, and ask that you share forth all healing properties that is suitable for me, my soul mates and Mother Earth
(Essence of Tree Angel Sycamore: Spiritual Clarity | Good Concentration | Far Sighted and Foresight Unbiased | Inner Security | Awareness)

I ask for the presence of Tree Angel Alder, and ask that you share forth all healing properties that is suitable for me, my soul mates and Mother Earth
(Essence of Tree Angel Alder: Relief from Old Wounds | Preserve Each Other Without Trying To Change One Another | Emotion and Empathy |Acceptance and Forgiveness | Letting Go and Let Life Flows | Surrender Sorrow, Grief, Rage, Hate, Bitter Tears | Non Attachment)

I ask for the presence of Tree Angel Pear, and ask that you share forth all healing properties that is suitable for me, my soul mates and Mother Earth
(Essence of Tree Angel Pear: Trust Your Instinct | Find Beauty in Everything | Harmony | Balance | Good Omen for Partnership and Relationship | Understanding | Empathy | Tenderness | Eroticism | Merging and Unity | Constancy | Beauty & Delight | Lasting Joy)

I ask for the presence of Tree Angel Pipal, and ask that you share forth all healing properties that is suitable for me, my soul mates and Mother Earth
(Essence of Tree Angel Pipal: Also Known as Bodhi Tree | Go Within and Empty Yourself
Brahma | Stop and Meditate | Spiritual Freedom | True Inspiration | Inner Freedom | Wisdom | Enlightenment | Pulse as The Universe Pulse)

I ask for the presence of Tree Angel Ginkgo, and ask that you share forth all healing properties that is suitable for me, my soul mates and Mother Earth
(Essence of Tree Angel Ginkgo: Source of Life | Bearer of Hope | Survival | Originality |
Strength |Integrity)

I ask for the presence of Tree Angel Cherry, and ask that you share forth all healing properties that is suitable for me, my soul mates and Mother Earth
(Essence of Tree Angel Cherry: Bliss is the Birthright of All Creation | Do Not Judge Yourself | Love and Pamper Yourself Unconditionally | Great Goddess)

I ask for the presence of Tree Angel Myrhh, and ask that you share forth all healing properties that is suitable for me, my soul mates and Mother Earth
(Essence of Tree Angel Myrhh: Send Blessings to All Creation | Ancient Sacred Tree | Opens Your Higher Senses to Divine)

Breathe in the energies and allow them to be smoothly integrated with your mind, body and soul

Ask your guide(s) to allow smooth integration and transition to ensure no after-effect.

Once completed, thank your guide(s) and tree angels

When you are ready, gentle open your eyes