Wednesday, September 21, 2011


The current energy shift is very supportive in allowing major clearings and karmic ties. It gives a good finale to all that needs to be released and then to bring in peace and calmness. When events and experiences occurs, do not dwell into the nitty gritty details instead take a step backward and look at the overall message and lesson; look at the pattern of the occurrences and identify those that no longer serves you, those that causes you discomfort, those that you want to let go off…. Then set your intention to let go and breathe them out.

Be gentle to yourself, all that need to be released does not necessary comes with pain, anger, frustration and all provoking energies. Set your intention switch and transmute those energies to lighter essences such as love, peace, calmness, joy and etc. It’s beautiful; and life is beautiful depending on your perspective