Sunday, September 25, 2011


The concept of separation is to bring in a scale and consistent standard as a reference point for soul learning on Earth. Separation in this sense refers to conceptual understanding such as black or white, beautiful or ugly, good or bad and etc.

The key to this is that there is an imaginative scale, one side scaled to beautiful and the other to ugly. In actual fact, there is no accurate representation in the universal reference point in this scale. No one has the same score point of what is beautiful. Thus, as we often hear, Beauty lies in the Eyes (or rather Heart) of the Beholder.

This entire separation concept is merely a representation on earth for all souls to learn. Without it, we cannot understand the lessons as there is no representation scale. With it, we have to understand that it is merely an earthly concept. All experiences that you went through and will go through for instance understanding and experiencing ugliness, allows you then to cherish what is beautiful. It’s merely an understanding. Thus, do not take it too seriously. Once you have been through what is ugly, you understand the concept and move on. Do not stay in that concept forever; upset over it and dwell through your lifetime on one single lesson – Ugly. Do not trap yourself in the same cycle instead switch the energy to enjoy the beauty of the presence and future. That is how the education on Earth works. Make the best out of it and allow yourself to enjoy the abundance.

Ultimately, we return to Oneness where no separation exists