Sunday, November 6, 2011



I ask for all that no longer serves the purpose of my higher self – all obsolete programs, cellular memories, this lifetime memories, past lives, parallel lives, future lives, all codes, all perceptions, all wisdom, and all that is conscious, unconscious, known or unknown to me

…... of all god zillion year, god zillion universe, god zillion realms and beyond time and space that is no longer serving me; to be broken/ disintegrate/ de-molecular with no judgments of right and wrong, good and bad all nine shorts, boys and beyond

…… and all these debris be channeled to Mother Earth for proper clearing and transmutation to all that is required by Mother Earth.

…… I ask for all new codes, energies, values and all downloads that is supportive and harmonist to my soul, higher self and body to be downloaded and smoothly integrated in me

…… and this be done with the greatest good


I ask for all that no longer serves the purpose of my higher self – all obsolete programs, cellular memories, this lifetime memories, past lives, parallel lives, future lives, all codes, all perceptions, all wisdom, and all that is conscious, unconscious, known or unknown to me

1. In relation to this person (Indicating the name would be good)
2. In relation to this incident (Replaying the incident)
3. In relation to this subject matter (Indicate or describe briefly the subject matter … e.g. Family ties

(Note that Option 1-3 can be done separately or a combination of either or all. For the first time, I would recommend each to be done separately)

…... of all god zillion year, god zillion universe, god zillion realms and beyond time and space that is no longer serving me; to be broken/ disintegrate/ de-molecular with no judgments of right and wrong, good and bad all nine shorts, boys and beyond

…… and all these debris be channeled to Mother Earth for proper clearing and transmutation to all that is required by Mother Earth.

…… I ask for all new codes, energies, values and all downloads that is supportive and harmonist to my soul, higher self and body to be downloaded and smoothly integrated in me.

…… and this be done with the greatest good