Wednesday, January 25, 2012



Firstly, you will need to understand the relation of physical body mass with energy body levels. In many circumstances, our physical body mass reflects our other energy body levels (emotion, mental, spiritual and etc). This means ranging from physical body appearance, acute illnesses, chronic illnesses and terminal illnesses are bud from
- the imbalances of our other body levels or
- inheritance from our lineages implanted in our other body levels.

Healing work on all body levels impact and change your physical appearance. Thus a simple intention to slim down or to look better will need some healing work unto yourself.

As crystal is one of the healing tools that has powerfully variety of healing properties, you can count on them to work out something for you.

For instance, physical body mass is usually in relation to protection. A layer of our physical body is subconciously built as wall to prevent something or to buffer something.  If you feel that there are certain attributes in your life that you would like to work on in relation of protection i.e. trust towards people, fear towards animals/ situation; then you can pick that up to work on.

Note that there are no judgements in body mass. Whichever you are comfortable with is fine, whatever you feel extra or dislike is a prompt of awareness that you may want to look into and heal that part of you.

Crystals that you can work on individually or in combinations are as below. These are the preliminary ones that you would like to work with. Afterwhich, you may use any others
- Clear quartz for clarity and alignment to soul path
- Moss Agate for reviewing major blockages of this life for you to relect and work on
- Malachite for disintegration or demolecular of major pastlife blockages
(Also try Apatite and Flourite)

Simple intention as below:
... With the assistance of the crystal name (Recite crystal name if known.. otherwise improvise with just 'this crystal')

.... I ask my physical body to be attuned to my energy bodies, and with the permission of my higher self, to work on and heal the imbalances or inheritance that is affecting my current journey.
(Deep gentle breathing .... move to next intention when deem ready)

... I ask for all parts of my body mass that no longer serve the purpose of my highest good be it I am concious or unconcious of them, to be distegrated and demolecular. Allow all these to be channeled to Mother Earth for proper clearing and be transmutted to all that is required by Mother Earth.
(Slower and longer deep but gentle breathing .... move to next intention when deem ready.)

... I ask for the crystal(s) to share forth its healing properties, and purify and restore all part of me to my highest potential; and I ask of these with love and gratitude.

Note: You may repeat this healing intention as often as you wish. No special diet plan is necessary, but do keep in mind your intention and not fill yourself with accessive food.