Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Herkimer Diamond advices you to work on your unconcious memories. The unconcious memories and hidden agendas in each soul is far beyond our understanding and its influence in your life now is vast and important. Herkimer Diamond is able to retrieve these unconcious energies gently and support the release and transmutation. Call upon the Master Guardian of Herkimer Diamond accents or hold onto a physical piece of it, and ask for its assistance.
Say a simple intention as below:

... I ask for your assisance to share forth the healing properties to retrieve and review the unconcious memories and hidden agendas that is unknown to me. Allow my soul to work on it, and with the intelligence of my higher self allow these to be release, review as dreams and be healed.

... I ask for the attributes and healing energies from the refine energy matrix of Oneness that is supporting to heal the circumstances, to be transferred and integrated in me to support me through

... I ask for the healing codes to be activated covering the aura of my physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and all bodies beyond my understanding that is for my highest good. Allow these healing codes to connect me with my highest Divine potential and allow healing energy to vibrant outward from my heart chakra.

... And I ask of these with love, light, joy and peace