Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Sometimes, we are bothered by many thoughts, dilemmas and unrests. Sometimes we do not even know the exact thought that bugs us; be the ball is at our feet or not, our hearts are troubled.

- Pick any crystal that you resonate best with. If you cannot decide, randomly pick any or all of them. (When your heart is troubled, do not bother to have more things to decide. Your soul knows best, just trust it)

- In a supine position (lying down on ones back), place the crystal at your heart chakra. (If you feel the energy is too overwhelming, hold it in your dominant hand. If you have several crystals, hold one and place the rest of the crystals anywhere around you)

- Relax your body and free yourself of all thoughts. Close your eyes and breathe gently and deeply several times till you feel you are at peace. Relax all the muscles of your body from head to toe. Free yourself of all thoughts and stress. Allow yourself to just surrender.

Breathe gently and deeply several times

.... I ask for connection to Mother Gaia and connection to refine energy matrix of Oneness. I ask for the presence of the 'Master Guardian of this crystal' and my guide(s).

... I ask for the presence of Master Guardian of Obsidian to ground the discharged energy speedily.

... With the permission of my higher self, I ask for all energies, memories and ALL that no longer serve the purpose of my highest potential be it conscious, unconscious, known and unknown to be de-moleculared and its debris be channeled to Mother Gaia for proper clearing and transmutation to all that is required by Mother Gaia.
(Take a few gentle deep breathe, and move to the next paragraph when ready)

... I ask for all links and ties to all sources, entities, relationships, responsibilities and ALL that no longer serve the purpose of my highest potential be it conscious, unconscious, known and unknown; here forth be broken / de-moleculared and its debris be channeled to Mother Gaia for proper clearing and transmutation to all that is required by Mother Gaia.
(Take a few gentle deep breathe, and move to the next paragraph when ready)

... I ask for all my body systems (physical, emotion, mental, spiritual and those beyond my knowledge) to be cleansed, purified and restored to its optimum state. All bio-magnetic nodes and chakras in my body to be cleansed, purified, aligned and restored to its optimum.
(Take a few gentle deep breathe, and move to the next paragraph when ready)

... I ask for all these to be done for all godzillion years, godzillion universes, godzillion dimensions, godzillion realms and all beyond void of time and space to be done with no judgment of right and wrong, good and bad, all nine shorts, boys and beyond.

... and I ask of these to be done till its completion with smooth integration.
(Take a few gentle deep breathe, and move to the next paragraph when ready)

(You are now in a safe and protected space. Relax your mind, body and heart. Imagine your whole being slowly melt, evaporate and merge into the air around you. Take a few gentle deep breathe, and move to the next paragraph when ready)

… I ask for all that is troubling me to be disintegrated and de-moleculared as if all knots are untangled. Gently allow each breathe I exhale to remove all stress, cellular memories, and ALL that no longer serve my highest potential; and each breathe I inhale to restore and purify me with the energies that is most supportive for my current state.

(Feel the peace within your heart. Feel the love and joy within your soul. You are Divine’s spark and you deserve all these, it is your birth right and your entitlement. Resonate with these energies or any uplifting energies that comes to your mind. Feel your body integrate within these energies and restore a new you. When you are ready, move to the next paragraph)

... and I ask of these to be done till its completion with smooth integration. All excess energies to be grounded to Mother Gaia
(Take a few gentle deep breathe till you feel you are filled up with the energies)


... I thank the Master Guardian of the crystal, all guide(s), Master Guardian of Obsidian and Divine beings for your presence
(When you are ready, gently open your eyes)