Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Someone asked what is the benefit of having crystals within crystal? Others asked what about liquid droplets (enydro) captured within a crystal; or solid inclusions within a crystal.

For those who had encounters with crystals of such especially crystals within crystal, liquid droplets, valuable solid inclusions; I believe you paid extra for these exceptions. Rest assure it is uniquely beneficial.

Inclusions are foreign particles which are usually not found in the same place as the molecules which form your crystal. This foreign particles may or may not be valuable (in price) of earthy measure. 

Liquid droplets are molecules trapped during the formation of the crystal. Herkimer Diamonds are among the more popular crystal type that is found holding droplets in its formation.

Crystal(s) within crystal are rarer and are formed when there is great pressure on multi phase of crystal formation. This means the first phase of crystals are first formed and subsequently the second phase envelope it creating a conglomerate-like of crystals. Beautiful.

These exceptions hold unique information such as documentation, gifts, scrolls, wisdom, energy, realms, portals and etc. Its unique appearance also serves to attract your attention.
For instance the inclusion in the Chalcedony Geode not only stores the code of love but also marks a heart-shaped like image to draw your attention.

The piece of crystals within crystal in the Amethyst and Rock Quartz stores an entire universe of unique realms. At the required occasion, different healing lights will shine forth to perform its needful task.

Feel the energy of your crystals and find out or ask a crystal oracle for more information