Thursday, April 26, 2012



This coming month brings forth a time to release your fear and unconscious cellular memories secretly kept intact by your soul. These energies and programs are so well hidden that you could just walk your journey as though nothing had bothered you. For earthy survival, you build layers and layers of ways and excuses to make it sound right; yes deceiving yourself. You marvel at how intelligent your soul is.

Lapis lazuli is able to call out these unconscious programs within you. Walls and veils of defenses which are secretly kept intact by your soul will slowly be removed for your highest growth potential. It helps to eliminate the fear, let go of these energies and allow more room for love and joy. These programs and events were placed as experiences; no judgment of good and bad, right and wrong. There is no need to recall these experiences, rather to live each present day to its optimum and look forward for more. Keep moving on and experience love and joy.

With each day of the earth shift, its planetary alignment and alleviation of consciousness level, more could be accessed by each soul. Codes within each soul are going through more awakening, transformation, integration, and alleviation; this cycle will never end. This is what life is all about; continuous learning and experiencing in joy.

The most recent earthy ‘spiritual’ idols and learning that are ever known to man are brought into light even more often in this duration to bring awareness to all souls. It is a plan of consciousness shift. You will hear more debates, more awakening, more news and surprises revealed. Don’t get entangled in the controversies. The main aim is to bring the light of consciousness. All is oneness; just different means to reach out.