Wednesday, April 11, 2012


For those who are already familiar with the subject of energy healing, this will serve as guidelines to the use of crystals as a tool to healing. Most times, one is guided by ones intuition as to which crystal or combination of crystals to use. There is no strict right or wrong to crystal choice in healing.

Generally, one may wish to have the suggested categories of crystal functions in the tool kit. It is not unusual for existing owners of crystals to have a collection of crystals. Many of the crystals you own may have been found to be useful in your personal healing experience.

i. Crystal for Grounding – When one does healing, it is best to be well grounded. This will enable the flow of energy that no longer serves you to be drained to mother earth. Grounding eliminates the tendency to feel floaty, agitation or experiencing cluttered thoughts.
Example of crystals: Rainbow Obsidian, Smokey Quartz

ii. Crystal for Connection to Divine – Having a continuous source of vibrant Divine light at its optimum when one is in a healing session is essential. A cleared space allows good healing effect on both the healer and healee. Setting intention to connect and hold the space using your vessel as conduit may tire you but the use of crystals can and will help ease the task.
Example of crystals: Quartz Portal, Cathedral or Pyramid.

iii. Crystal for Connection to specific healing source – Many healers may have a strong connection to a specific divine healing source and may already have personal crystals that can help connect to that source or that already have the required downloaded vibration. Place a few in your tool kit, it will come in handy
(Previous write-up on Crystal Download

iv. Crystal for Alignment – Aligning your body systems, aura, bio-magnetic field and nodes within your body system, chakras, and all that is in your body systems that may not be known to our knowledge accelerates and allows a healthy flow of energy. This is good energy maintenance practice
Example of crystals: Crystalline Kyanite Wand, Star Seed Quartz Wand, Selenite Wand

v. Crystal with specific healing properties – You may have read from many sources before of the specific healing properties of each crystal family in terms of physical, emotion, mental and spiritual. As have been previously mentioned, crystal family has generic collective healing properties while individual crystal has specific healing capabilities. For instance a Rose Quartz family has a generic loving healing property; while an individual rose quartz might be able to boost your planning capabilities.